Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hath Gregg Araki Braff’t? The Conversation Continues. Part 2.

Later, a friend of Got Braffed chimed in on the Araki Debate. I speak with him on the relationship between Braffing and mass appeal.

P: Gregg Araki does get a little de-Braffed for being a little more under the radar than a lot of the others.

T: That’s my argument! Totally. T1 is not convinced. I think Braffing really has something to do with the intention of “mass appeal”, within a youthful demographic.

P: So based on a lack of mass appeal, Araki is innocent? I actually don’t know where I stand on this one.

T: That’s the catch! Imagining Araki’s innocence seems impossible. Yet it is not exactly a Braff FAIL. Its like a lateral tactical Braffing aimed at a specific subculture. In all honesty, I’m not sure that’s a Braff.

P: Maybe he is just the test subject for something bigger than Braffing. Maybe he is the exception that proves the rule…

Maybe he is just a dude that likes gay sex and gore.

T: All these things may be true, my friend. I’m kind of scared now.

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